Monday, 19 August 2013

September is Womb Cancer Awareness Month.

We all know there's a lot of good work done to raise awareness of women's cancers such as breast, cervical and ovarian, but there's another cancer all women need to be aware of: womb cancer.

On average, up to 1900 women die from womb cancer each year in the UK. Although the stereotype is overweight/obese post-menopausal women, womb cancer can affect women of all ages and sizes.

Womb cancer is easier to treat when caught early but there is currently no screening programme - smear (pap) tests aren't designed to pick up womb cancer and a negative smear result doesn't rule it out, so be sure to tell your GP about any unusual symptoms connected with your monthly cycle, or after menopause.

For further information go to:

Love Rose x

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