Sunday, 31 December 2017

Happy New Year!

We're around ninety minutes into 2018 here in the UK and I hope you've all had a good start to this new year. Wherever you are in the world, may 2018 be happy for you.

Love Rose x

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Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Christmas: The Dreaded C Word?

So here we are in December and hurtling rapidly towards Christmas Day which is now less than a week away.

Christmas can be a difficult time of year for many, triggering feelings of loneliness and loss; and it's not only cancer patients who might struggle during the festive season. Anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, experiencing a relationship break up or going through any serious illness, can find this time of year exhausting and overwhelming.

Sometimes it's the opposite of loneliness that worries us at this time of year. Do you dread the annual visit of that one relative who finds fault with whatever you do no matter how hard you try? Or does sibling rivalry rear its ugly head when you're cooped up with your loved ones for hours on end?

Maybe your Christmas concerns are altogether different. Perhaps you spend the time worrying because you've maxed out your credit card trying to make sure everyone has a good time, but you wonder how you'll pay off the bills at the end of it all.

There's no doubt that Christmas can be an incredibly challenging time of year for many, while others approach it with good humour. Only yesterday my yoga instructor commented that she hasn't put up Christmas decorations this year because they only gather dust before having to be taken down again!

For me, Christmas is a quiet, peaceful time spent with immediate family. This will be my eighth Christmas post-cancer and I'm grateful to have survived yet another year. It's another milestone reached.

Whatever Christmas means to you, whether you celebrate or not, have a safe and happy time this December.

Love Rose x

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