Sunday, 5 December 2021

Hi Everyone!

Here we are on a very dull, grey, Winter's afternoon in the UK.

It's been a fair while since I last wrote a post of any kind for this blog - my last two posts have been the Data Protection Notice from Google so that you all know what you're getting into when you read blogs hosted via the site! And that's because it's a legal requirement that you're told. You'll probably see the notice pop up anyway whenever you read posts on this blog, but I've shared it just in case you don't. 

I'm not even sure this is the most up-to-date site for blogs on Google any more! But, hey, this is the blog site I have so this is the blog site I'll use from time-to-time. At least for now. (She says, having not written anything at all for several years...)

I only came on today to say hi this time around. We're heading towards Christmas again here in the UK - this year (ditto last year) seems to have passed very quickly. And, as I'm pretty sure you all know - unless you've been in deep outer space for the last couple of years, with no means of communicating with Earth - the world is still being dominated by Covid-19 and its various mutations. Although, if non-Covid headlines are anything to go by, there are various human beings apparently hell bent on world domination too. 

I gave up buying newspapers and watching TV news several years back - it makes for a much happier mindset, not to mention life in general!

So, on that note, as I've said hi, I'll leave this ramble here for today.

Love to anyone still out there who reads this blog!

Love Rose x

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