To blog or not to blog? That was the question I’d been
asking myself for some time and finally I decided yes, so here I am on Day 3
and pondering what to write... It’s not easy being a blogger!
My ponderings are peach because I've been on an unexpected journey
with womb cancer as my travelling companion. I can’t say exactly when that
journey began because who knows when the cancer joined me. Maybe it took a long
time to introduce itself, maybe not, but when I finally found out I had a companion
I didn't recognise its name, I knew nothing about it and I didn't know anyone
who’d been through it. How ironic that, as a child, I was taught never to talk
to strangers and yet there I was harbouring one and taking it with me wherever
I went. I’d picked up a hitchhiker without realising.
I've since found out that approximately 1900 women die from
womb cancer each year in the UK and around 8000 annually in the US. I also know
that, far from being alone, there is support out there for women who need it
and that support is being provided by other women who've been through womb
cancer. It’s no longer like it was when I was diagnosed and it doesn't have to
be like that for you either.
If you would like support for womb cancer, please take a
look at the following sites to get you started:
For the UK -

For the US -
For the Philippines -
Good luck with your womb cancer journey, I hope you ditch your hitchhiker too!
Love Rose x
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